New research calls on advertisers to put their ad spend into quality rather than quantity
Newsworks launches its research ‘Mental availability in the digital age’, together with research and strategy company house51.
Denise Turner, Newsworks’ insight director, and Ian Murray, house51’s co-founder, presented the study to an audience of marketers and media professionals in Manchester.
The study demonstrates how crucial it is for brands to build ‘mental availability’ – the ability of a brand to register on a customer’s mental radar – to encourage people to buy a product/service.
To do this, consumers need to experience brands in trusted, quality environments. This is where journalism comes in, as it offers advertisers this at scale.
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Industry leaders come together to discuss fight against fake news
The World Media Group’s ‘The Rise of Populism’ panel was a response to questions on fakes news and how to keep public trust in established news companies.
The panellists called on the industry to push for transparency and reliability for both news consumers and advertisers alike.
With more consumers and public figures becoming sceptical towards digital platforms’ capacity to provide reliable information, “the game is really up for the platforms” said Forbes’ Alex Wood. “[With] the capacity they have to influence opinion and to change the world, they have to be held to the same standards”.
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“Where your brand is seen matters more than ever,” new research reveals
Today Newsworks launches a white paper together with research and strategy company house51, exploring the psychology behind consumer decision-making in an online world.
The research shows how crucial it is for consumers to encounter brands in the right context and how journalism can provide marketers with people’s undivided attention. Beyond brand awareness, mental availability is how a brand registers on a customer’s mental radar.
News brands’ trusted, information-rich environments mean that journalism can play a fundamental role in creating mental availability in a crowded media environment – in an era of digital commerce.
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