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Advertise with The Guardian on facebook

Provided by Guardian Newspapers Limited
The Guardian facebook app opens content to a new, younger audience who enjoys their content discovery filtered by friends

Tell us about the Opportunity / What is it?

Standard advertising formats are available on the Guardian facebook app.

What is the Marketing Objective?

Great for branding, direct reponse, building awareness

How does it work?

The Guardian facebook app is a great way of allowing users to read and share Guardian content within facebook. It also means users can see what their friends are reading, and what is popular amongst facebook users. Users can discover more content, quicker and easier as well as comment and discuss articles with friends or with the whole Guardian community.

Who's used it in the past?

The Guardian facebook app is suitable for a wide range of advertisers across all categories. Past advertisers/sponsors have included Adobe and NHS Blood and Transplant.

Features / Benefits

Reach a loyal and engaged audience - 1 in 4 visit the app daily. The facebook app delivers: complimentary reach throughout the day - particularly around tea time, quality and safety of the Guardian brand in a social dynamic environment to a new younger audience. Growth is self perpetuating: social recommendation means that more and more people get exposed to your brand. Not having to navigate away from facebook provides uninterrupted opportunity to engage with your brand. Own the relationship with Guardian content readers in a way that is not possible on

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Guide PriceReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Types
Contact for details11.3 m downloads globally & 1.4 m UK monthly unique browsers
16 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
LocationTimingsMarketing ObjectiveOpportunity Type
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