'Men's Fitness' magazine and 'Fitness First' are testing the nation's fitness with the Brit Challenge 2008
The opportunity to be associated with the Men's Fitness and Fitness First Fit Brit Challenge 2008 - a national fitness test for all ages and abilities to take place in 170 Fitness First clubs in the UK. Guaranteed exposure to the growing ABC1C2 health and lifestyle conscious audience across multiple media and communication platforms. Sponsorship opportunities are available through magazine editorial, promotional activity, the 3-month event and final.
Build awareness of brand, create exposure and sample directly to rapidly growing fitness and health market.
Opportunity to promote through Men's Fitness magazine editorial, high level footfall in Fitness First clubs, PR activity, goodie bags, sampling, customer acquisition opportunities and event branding.
Men's Fitness magazine reach - 480k; Fitness First footfall - 2m per month; Men's Fitness website - 32k monthly uniques; Fitness First website - 200k monthly uniques; Solus emails - 200k; Magazine advertising reach - 530k.
First time this event has happened
Brand awareness through multiple promotional activity, product positioning at events, exposure through major marketing and PR campaign, interaction with fitness conscious affluent market - capitalising on current national health concerns. Opportunities to sponsor further events which will grow as momentum increases for London 2012.