A UPS WIDGET that would keep track of all your outgoing and incoming parcels and make your life easier every day
Small businesses are sceptical of marketing activity and its associated cost. Big, corporate brands must PROVE their commitment & claims in order to be believed. Small businesses have limited or no marketing budget; a key barrier preventing growth and an ability to expand customer base. Word-of-mouth is a key driver for small business communities (often share knowledge & advice).
To position UPS as a brand relevant for small businesses during the economic downturn, and to drive UPS usage in a market where inertia, tradition and scepticism stops customers switching- "this is the company we always use."
We identified that our audience's critical and most essential work tool was the computer screen, so if UPS could own this ad-free environment it would literally be front of mind from 9-5.
UM developed a tool that personal assistants and despatch managers would want to have on their desktops; a UPS Widget that would keep track of all their outgoing and incoming parcels and make their lives easier every day.
We sent 3.3 million visitors to the site and Widget was downloaded 78,373 times (and counting). He has been busy, too, tracking over 62,000 UK packages on their journeys across the globe. As a result UPS has now become a friend of the people who deal with shipping every day, building stronger relationships for the brand. In the UK 64.1% said it encouraged them to use UPS more.
All the elements of the above came together in a good collaboration to ensure an effective campaign and case study.