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CASE STUDY: Macleans Cold as Ice Cinema Campaign

Provided by Digital Cinema Media
This research study was designed by CSA to evaluate the effectiveness of showing the Macleans ad in the cinema environment

What was the Challenge / Background of the Campaign?

Carlton Screen Advertising (CSA) wanted to prove that cinema could increase advertising recall of the Macleans toiletries and cosmetics brand on top of TV. As well as measuring levels of awareness it was also important to consider what message was being taken away by consumers after seeing the adverts.

What was the Campaign Objective?

To measure day-after recall and impact of the ad amongst the target audience. To compare recall with non cinema goers. To evaluate messages conveyed about Macleans Ice White Toothpaste. To assess reactions towards advertising.

What was the Solution?

Macleans showed their ad as part of a female cinema package for 4 alternate weeks. CSA then conducted a study amongst 200, 18-34 ABC1 female cinema-goers & 100 non cinema-goers of the same demographics.

What were the Results?

Two thirds of respondents were able to recall the ad after direct prompting, which in turn meant that Cinema proved more cost effective against TV given relative spend. Cinema significantly increased reach as one third of the cinema sample had not seen the ad on TV. Along with higher recall amongst cinemagoers, greater depth of communication was achieved amongst cinema goers- with 54% agreeing that you would use the product to achieve lovely white teeth, compared to just 43% of the control sample.

What were the Key Learnings of this Campaign?

Macleans advertising campaign appealed to cinemagoers in terms of creative, music, communication and environment. Timing and style of the campaign helped explain cinema recall & attitudes towards the advertising. Cinema proved to be a cost effective way to reach unique audience and maintain awareness. Cinema proved to be more than 3 times as cost efficient in raising awareness.

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BudgetReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Used
Contact for detailsApprox 400 TVR's. Core audience 18-34 year old women
16 - 24
25 - 34
Campaign LocationCampaign DurationMarketing ObjectiveCampaign Type
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