Cash for Kids Day is the one day each year when every Bauer Place station gives over the airwaves to its biggest cash fundraiser
Working in partnership with beneficiaries such as, Children's Hospices UK, CLIC Sargent (the UK's leading Children's Cancer Charity), Whizz-Kidz and a number of local children's hospitals. The day is dedicated to raising funds for children and young people with life- limiting conditions and illnesses and their families. Bauer Radio uses the power of our local radio brands to communicate and engage with audiences in local markets who very generously donate to this very worthy day.
In local communities all over the UK there are children living in poverty, in care homes etc. Families identified as living in poverty have less than £10 per day per person for food, heating, toys, clothes, electricity and transport. UK Child poverty has doubled since 1979. Cash for Kids is the umbrella brand for Bauer Radio's charitable operation. In 2011 we raised £9.6 Million to support sick and underprivileged children in local communities across the UK. Since 2004 we have raised £44m and help on average 600,000 children per year.
The day is a regular event in the calendar and will benefit CLIC Sargent in April 2013
Bauer Media is a Brand-led, multiplatform media group Consumer magazines,seven digital music TV channels and One of the biggest local radio networks in the UK-13.4 Million listeners per week
Commercial number one for reach and share in all 21 markets
Corporate Social Responsibility-Cash for Kids' is the umbrella brand for network of 21 local charity operations across the UK
Cause Related Marketing arm of Core radio business
Bauer Radio covers operational overheads of each charity,across all radio station sites
Which means we guarantee a minimum of 80pin£1 goes to kids