Italian Football - International League Sponsorship Opportunity

Provided by ISG Media
To become the International league sponsor of the Italian football league (Serie A) - in all territories outside Italy.

Tell us about the Opportunity / What is it?

To associate your brand with a premier international football league, across multiple territories through broadcast in game graphics and digital platforms.

What is the Marketing Objective?

Raise brand awareness through association with Serie A, delivering a media and sponsorship platform for a brand with global ambitions - looking to engage with a football specific audience.

How does it work?

Your brand will be visible through the combined use of cutting edge virtual advertising technologies, the skilled separation and management of broadcast match graphics across the international broadcast footprint - outside Italy.

Who's used it in the past?

First time to market.

Features / Benefits

Serie A is broadcast live throughout the world and attracts a massive audience, particularly in Europe, Middle East, North Africa and Asia. 380 games per season (210 for the remaining 2015/2016 season) 27,000 hours of coverage. On average about 30 mins of brand coverage per game

printer friendly version
Guide PriceReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Types
Contact for detailsMillions of Viewers Across 30 Live Serie A Matches
16 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
LocationTimingsMarketing ObjectiveOpportunity Type
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