Through Trend Research we know what students want to hear about. We then create/deliver the perfect communication solution.
In 2012 we asked students aged 16-19 what they wanted to hear about via our communications. Besides information on health and wellbeing products and services, 70% told us they wanted to hear about mobile phone offers, 66% wanted information on events & festivals, 65% on high street and 57% on online shopping discounts. With such a high percentage of youths being interested in high street/online shopping discounts, our 6 sheet poster panels proved to be the perfect place to communicate Getthelabel's discounted designer brands to a Youth audience.
To raise awareness of Getthelabel and their discounted designer brands in selected areas of the UK. Prompting discussion, visits to the website and ultimately purchase. The client wanted to be sure that they could quickly and effectively reach their target audience with minimal wastage.
6 sheet poster panels offering an extra 10% discount to students via a QR code, which could be accessed via their mobile phones. The posters were located in common rooms and canteens, directly reaching youths in their spare time and when they were with their peers.
The proposition was so popular that there was a 22% overpost on this campaign, with additional colleges choosing to participate. The communication was also well received by students: "The posters provoked a lot of interest and there have been quite a few comments." Brookfield Community School and "As soon as the poster went up, the students were saying they have been on there! They are aware of the company." Dinnington Comprehensive School. Since the trial we have been exploring/pursuing 2013 activity with Getthelabel and other online and high street retailers.
We knew that students wanted to hear about discounted online shopping destinations via our 6 sheet poster panels because they had told us. It was no surprise that Getthelabel was so well received, particularly during the pre-Christmas period