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Engage with families at Imagine Children's Festival

Provided by Southbank Centre
Imagine Children's Festival encourages all the family to explore the world of imagination and story-telling.

Tell us about the Opportunity / What is it?

Southbank Centre is the UK's most diverse and exciting arts centre, occupying a 21-acre site in the midst of the capital's most vibrant cultural quarter on the South Bank of the River Thames. Southbank centre welcomes over 33 million visitors annually. Founded in 2001, Imagine Children's Festival has been celebrating the best in children's literature for nearly 15 years. Imagine Children's Festival welcomes all the family to enjoy a fantastic line-up of authors as part of a wide-range of performances, workshops and free events.

What is the Marketing Objective?

Brand focused activities will be integrated within the overall festival programme, providing direct engagement with over 1 million attendees. An important aspect of Imagine has always been giving children a voice and each year we work with a group of young people from Southbank Centre's associate schools in Lambeth to create the festival. Brand's will therefore benefit from positive CSR/Community alignment as well as the mass engagement of a family audience.

How does it work?

The partner will be aligned with Imagine at every stage, providing marketing, advertising, on-site branding, digital presence and extensive press and PR coverage. Staff and stakeholders will be invited to Imagine Think-Ins, providing the opportunity for employees to directly input into the festival's themes and forge links with other partners. Association with Imagine will also provide opportunities to engage with Southbank Centre's year round offering of festivals and participation projects.

Features / Benefits

Engagement with Imagine will not only align your business with a festival specifically aimed at families and younger audiences, it will also provide a range of incredible benefits, including: brand alignment, live activation, press and PR coverage, employee engagement, exclusive entertaining opportunities and access to Southbank Centre's annual programme.

printer friendly version
Guide PriceReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Types
Contact for details1 Million visitors during Imagine Festival
0 - 9
10 - 15
Kids HH
LocationTimingsMarketing ObjectiveOpportunity Type
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