Unique opportunity to promote scheme to get primary school children to do more exercise with cross media opportunities
Unique opportunity to sponsor a programme targeting over 1,000 schools in the next school year.
The Golden Mile encourages children across the county to walk, run or jog a measured 'Golden Mile' during school time . The aim is for each pupil to cover 50 miles across the school year. It is a really exciting opportunity that could really change the health of young children in this country, leaving a lasting legacy for years to come.
In the coming year we expect over 200,000 children to partake in the Golden Mile, thus jogging over 10 million miles!
Fantastic chance to make a lasting difference to the health of the UK's primary school children with a great CSR link.
It also makes a real difference in local communities so is perfect for brands looking to be active within communities, and raising the perception of the brand.
Engages with schools, parents and children to try and be more active.
Parents receive weekly email and SMS updates on their kids progress
Lots of branding about it within the classroom and school as the Golden Mile has become a key part of the curiculum for many Schools partaking in the scheme.
It is a brand new sponsorship opportunity and completely sponsor free.
The largest Primary School opportunity out there!
- Naming rights
- The Golden Mile Oscars
- Ambassador involvement
- Branding on all literature to kids, parents & teachers
- Interaction & communication with over 200,000 kids, c. 400,000 parents & over 15,000 teachers.
- Huge media ROI with free research added in