Reach 2 million every Sunday 4-7pm. UK's biggest chart show - the only commercial show to consistently beat the BBC equivalent.
Hit40UK offers clients weekly promotions, kicking off with pre-promotion the Sunday before, week-long trail activity across all 127 stations and full promotional execution on the Sunday show 4-7pm. Clients get a basic online page outlining the activity, and/or including a small online competition or entering mechanic.
Hit40UK can also offer: advanced online promotional interaction (including games, microsite, etc), online advertising, email newsletters to 47,000 listeners, onair speciality features, podcasts, vodacasts, and airtime campaigns.
Excellent for increasing brand awareness, highlight client offers / events, and drive listeners online / instore - all in a receptive environment where listeners actively tune into the radio show, like they do a TV show. In one 3 hour show on Sunday we reach 2 million listeners, with a strong 15-34 audience as well as main shoppers with kids. A promotion has activity across the whole week on 127 stations, as well as heavy presence on the Sunday show, plus we have a strong online touchpoint.
Hit40UK is the number one chart show, counting down the biggest songs each week, based on sales, airtime and downloads. It is more relevant than ever in todays society where music is accesible online, on mobiles and instore. Listeners tune to Hit40UK to actively listen and participate with Lucio, our host.
**SONY WALKMAN - best in new music onair features. **NIVEA - FYI (Fun Young Independent) cross media promotion with MTV and Look magazine based around their online magazine. **MOTOROLA - first MMS entry mechanic on the show and record number entries, especially as entry cost listeners. **NOW 70 - promotion plus tags for some Now 70 tracks which appeared in chart. **PARAMOUNT - promotion for films including movie minute to summarise plot.
National reach, huge youth active audience, creative concepts. A standard promotion is incredibly cost effective!