Reach Affluent Consumers in their Homes & Drive Sales

Provided by The Specialist Works
Reach AB consumers through inserts directly into their homes in titiles such as Ocado, Figleaves & JoJo Maman Bebe

Tell us about the Opportunity / What is it?

Reaching AB households is challenging. The Posh Plan gives brands access to these consumers in their most responsive environment. The Insert House has sourced some high end, highly responsive subscription/members titles. In addition, there are also some great 'product dispatch' distributions that target this affluent group effectively. The Posh Plan gives brands the opportunity to engage with the affluent market like never before. By distributing an insert directly into consumers' homes, the customer is in the right environment to consider the offer and to respond.

What is the Marketing Objective?

Reach the affluent consumers in their homes and drive sales 'off the page' or on a 2 stage basis.

How does it work?

The Insert House will select the appropriate mix of titles and distributions to provide the most responsive and cost effective campaign. The Insert House can also run the creative and print the items, providing a one-stop shop.

Who's used it in the past?

A whole directory of titles and 'product dispatch' distributions from Posh Plan. For example, 3rd party distributions include Ocado, JoJo Maman Bebe and Figleaves. Examples of members' magazines include Kew, V&A and Tate.

Features / Benefits

• Highly targeted to an affluent group • Use of the most responsive Insert mechanics • The Insert House can manage the whole campaign including creative and print as well as media

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