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CASE STUDY: Stella Artois use cross-track to educate consumers

Provided by Exterion Media
Stella Artois used large outdoor formats to highlight the product contains only 4 natural ingredients.

What was the Challenge / Background of the Campaign?

Stella Artois ran a large format outdoor campaign to raise awareness it contains 4 natural ingredients and differentiates itself from competitors by being be served in a Chalice shaped glass. This ran alongside its TV campaign with a different creative message. The results showed the outdoor campaign had a halo effect from the TV, consumers noticed the Chalice glass message more in the TV campaign after they saw the outdoor advertising. The outdoor clearly raised awareness with 58% recalling there are only 4 ingredients and 43% recalling the Chalice glass post the activity. Find out more...

What was the Campaign Objective?

The objective of this campaign is to educate consumers that Stella Artois contains 4 natural ingredients (hops, malted barley, maize and water) and to differentiate it from its competitors, is served in a Chalice shaped glass to keep it cooler for longer.

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BudgetReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Used
Contact for details18-34 Male larger drinkers
16 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
Campaign LocationCampaign DurationMarketing ObjectiveCampaign Type
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