Show and Event guide for The Suffolk Show - a celebration of the county for the family and business sectors.
Unique opportunity to feature in annual celebration of the county show via A4 glossy 40 page publication with full Leisure Guide for the summer season. Also able to cross-promote in Suffolk Business magazine's full feature about the business of the Suffolk show. Full print edition in market leading morning and evening titles, East Anglian Daily Times and Evening Star, plus brand to hand distribution on site. E-edition and web presence also available.
Create awareness, raise profile, increase footfall, capture consumer information and interest. Trial, test, promote or sponsor. Joint promotional opportunities available with synergy through the whole portfolio. Promote in print and online.
Expert editorial content engages with county and town audiences and stand-alone extends life of product. In print and e editions enlarge coverage. Full, half, quarter and eighth page ads all available within the 40 page publication.
Local retailers, service companies, leisure outlets and attractions. National clients with a local presence. FMCG companies for branding and profile building.
Fabulous expert editorial adds gravitas and interest making advertisements and commercial presence of substance. Interesting reading enhances commercial standing of partners. Targeting and consumer interaction possibilities including joint promotional opportunities. Sponsorship, display, directory and e-edition commercial opportunities.