The only UK paid-for regional press titles to offer Printed Polythene Wrap message delivery across the Kent county.
KM Group is a heritage brand in the County, with over 150 years of publishing experience and have developed innovative and dynamic marketing ideas to reach the consumer population. Polybagging is environmentally favourable, great with our vendors and allows each publishing center to produce a multi product high-value readership pack each week, with loads of targeted niche supplements coupled with the core 'bought' product.
Encouraging trial and front of mind attitude.
Polybagging is seen by every consumer whether they are buying the newspaper or not, also seen at the news stands and other points of purchase. It has a high visual impact and could enhance subliminal thought.
Excellent for brand marketing. The wrap will be seen by every consumer whether they are purchasing the newspaper or not. Excellent point of purchase presence. Sampling, onserting and cross promotions within the core publishing product can enhance the possibilities presented by this opportunity.