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WH Smith in-store till-point sampling & 'bounceback' vouchers

Provided by Get Me Media
Till point product sampling with purchase through UK's leading CTN retailer - WH Smith. Reach up to 6m WHS customers per week.

Tell us about the Opportunity / What is it?

WH Smith is the leading CTN in the UK. Confero provides brands with unique access to WH Smith customers through exclusive point of purchase product sampling, Brand Ambassador staffed in-store brand promotions, A5 promotional literature, and the opportunity to reach up to 6m WH Smith customers per week with branded 'Bounceback' Vouchers/Redeemable Coupons.

What is the Marketing Objective?

Get your brand message in front of up to 6 million WH Smith customers per week. Communicate Brand promotion, Sales Promotion, Product Sampling and/or point of purchase 'Bounceback' voucher/coupon distribution across up to 900 WH Smith stores including High Street, Airport and Rail Stores. Ideal for branding and awareness, direct response or competition element.

How does it work?

On campaign booking only requirement is stock delivery to one address. Confero arranges fulfilment and compliance on product sampling activity with delivery to stores and full ongoing campaign management. Weekly promotional programme with vouchers issued by WH Smith staff to all customers when making a purchase. The sample/Voucher is handed to the customer with receipt as part of the payment process.

Who's used it in the past?

This is a new initiative with WH Smith. We are currently sourcing a 'launch' advertiser.

Features / Benefits

Full National UK Cover. WH Smith is one of the largest and most trusted retail groups in the UK with over 900 stores. Store locations include all major Airports, all major Rail terminals and Shopping Malls. WH Smith has a store within 399 of the top 400 UK High Streets. Over 800 million customers pass through a WH Smith store every year. Audience representative of UK population. WH Smith is BAA's preferred CTN retailer. Huge exposure and campaign reach potential.

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Guide PriceReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Types
£51k to £100kAverage daily footfall of 1.2 million.
All adultsBoth
Main Shopper
LocationTimingsMarketing ObjectiveOpportunity Type
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