A unique opportunity to reach forward-looking individuals who are curious about the world.
Who are the Progressives? They are forward-looking individuals who are curious about the world and embrace change and technology. Here at GNM our aim is to grow our 'Progressive' audience through open journalism and product innovation. So why are Progressives valuable to advertisers? They are highly upmarket and affluent; 70% are ABC1 (opposed to 54% of the overall GB population), 48K average household population (opposed to £37K of overall GB population). 53% are working (opposed to 48% of the GB population, average age of 42 (opposed to 47, GB average).
They're ahead of the pack when it comes to trying new products and they're willing to pay more for good quality; They're highly connected and influential (progressives are 24% more likely than the average to have 2+ blogs or social network profiles and 54% more likely to have contact with 6+ 'weak tie' groups, making them more likely to communicate ideas and opinions.
GNM reaches more Progressives than any other quality news provider, please follow our website link for further details.