Sonic have advertising packages with display advertising, hand-to-hand sampling & promotion, event management & park sponsorship
Opportunity to build relationships with a hard-to-reach kids in their own environment with direct communication, sampling and event experiences.
Sonic can put your brand in 7 of the biggest skateparks around the country in London, Leeds, Dundee, Liverpool, Great Yarmouth, Sheffield and Kent.
To reach young males directly in a cutting-edge environment; to create and seed content around a sponsored event.
Integrated skate park campaigns could include banner display, poster display, ambient media, ramp sponsorship, event organisation as well as buzz built through skatepark websites, e-shots & social media. Events include sponsorship of competitions as well as bespoke branded events such as Xbox competition series and gaming sampling. Sonic will create and seed content on these events to millions of young internet users. Extra reach through Sonic's revered skate site Crossfire & associated online channels giving real credit to a brand in a niche environment.
COI, Red Bull, 20th Century Fox, 3, Gorillaz, Orange, Nike, Relentless have all advertised at skateparks with Sonic Digital in the past.
Skateboarding, BMX, inline skating and extreme sports are one of the fastest growing youth-orientated scenes in the UK. Sonic skatepark advertising is an opportunity to align your brand within a niche community of hard-to-reach and influential young people.