Partnerships for an extensive range of categories, give entitlement to marketing rights & exclusivity via TV, Press & Multimedia
A unique opportunity to affiliate your brand or company values with Great British motor sport heritage. National TV and media cover the seven classic race events staged on a mix of city roads and off-road terrain throughout the UK: England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, giving sponsor access to a yearlong season of activity and national location changes.
The BRC is looking to extend its sponsorship portfolio for 2014. Partnerships are sought for an extensive range of categories, giving entitlement to marketing rights, endorsements and exclusivity.
To raise awareness and deliver stand-out from a cluttered market, capitalise on the power and emotional exhilaration of the British Rally Championships (BRC) and add value by BRC endorsement, build brand fame and influence consumers perception of your brand or company by positive association with this extreme outdoor sport, to engage with a sophisticated young male audience that is a dedicated and active motor sport fan, who enjoys the thrilling spectacle of speed in all-terrain, all-weather locations.
Your brand or company is exclusively aligned with the BRC, promoted pre event, during event and post event on cross platform media. Official Partner / Supplier i.e. product endorsement is sought in the following categories:
• Apparel and accessories - outdoor, sport
• Building/construction trades
• Clothing
• Drinks - energy, sport, health
• Finance
• Hotels
• Insurance
• Oils and Lubricants
• Snacks - energy, sport, health
• Timepiece - watches
• Travel
• Transport Companies
• Vehicle - accessories, cleaning products, tools.
Rothmans, Shell, Mobil, Top Gear, Pirelli, Kwik-Fit, Tesco, Dulux, John Mills Ltd, NGK Spark Plugs, Battery Energy Drinks and Stena Line Ferries.
7 seasonal live action-packed and freely accessible events with motor sport fan attendance 20,000 average per event (circa 150,000 per season): male ABC1s, of which 45% are aged between 16 and 30, 33% between 31 and 45 with a 73/27% male/female split (on the increase). Product exclusivity is given and the British Rally Championship can include and organise corporate experience and team building programmes.
Worldwide appeal; notable past World Rally Champions are 'home-grown Greats' British Rally Champions.