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CASE STUDY: South Wales Police partner with Greenfield Media

Provided by Orchard
South Wales Police used Bluetooth marketing for a variety of campaigns, tackling issues such as domestic abuse & knife crime

What was the Challenge / Background of the Campaign?

In the UK there are now 76.1 million mobile phones subscribers, that is 122.4% of the population! Bluetooth marketing allows us to send messages to phones within proximity for free, making it ideal to communicate with people in the community. In partnership with Greenfield Media, South Wales Police used Bluetooth marketing for a variety of campaigns to tackle issues as diverse as rape, domestic abuse and knife crime via a specially created character - Robby. The content has proved universally popular and South Wales Police are looking at developing future campaigns. Find out more...

What was the Campaign Objective?

To educate members of the local community and change behaviours, ultimately to reduce crime.

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BudgetReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Used
Contact for detailsLocal communities within South Wales.
16 - 24Female
Campaign LocationCampaign DurationMarketing ObjectiveCampaign Type
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