Publicis worked with VUE to create a digital tablet version of VUE magazine to complement and enhance the printed edition
Customer research identified that Vue cinema-goers have a real appetite for content that inspires them to go to the movies more frequently. With online a pivotal channel for Vue, the challenge was to build on the success of Vue's existing print magazine and construct a direct sales channel around a tablet app.
Publicis were tasked with delivering stand-out and drive-increased market share/revenues in this highly competitive marketplace. The objective was to create a digital tablet version of Vue magazine to complement and enhance the printed edition, with extra features and embedded video alongside exclusive online content.
From the outset, our goal was to develop an app for our client that delivers best-in-class features, great journalism and intuitive interactivity. The key is that this is not just a print magazine transposed onto a tablet - the app skilfully combines relevant tablet functionality with quality content, delivering this through an optimised user experience, a strategy that also paves the way for future segmentation and personalisation.
Working in conjunction with the existing print magazine, the app's navigation is simple and intuitive. The content aims to highlight blockbuster releases alongside alternative films, with readers being encouraged to purchase tickets directly from the app as well as plan weekly cinema trips. Additional content includes exclusive interviews and in-app twitter feed.
The Result: Over 10,000 downloads in just 1 month from launch.
"With 95% of readers rating the print edition good or very good, we know there's a real appetite for the editorial.The app format gives us the opportunity to bring deeper and more regular content to readers. Online is a key channel for Vue and we're keen to make the process from discovering an exciting new film, to booking tickets easier. The new Vue magazine app blends quality editorial with great functionality. We look forward to letting our customers get the chance to explore and enjoy the wealth of content".
Michael Kalli, Head of Corporate Sales & Advertising at Vue