Branded water cooler cups in offices across the UK targeting people while they are at their desks with instant internet access.
The opportunity to place a message via a branded water cooler cup in front of thousands of office workers while they are at their desks with access to internet or their phones. Ideal call to action to drive traffic towards websites or to stores in proximity to specific offices.
To get your message/brand front of mind whilst people are at their desks.
With a database of 20,000 offices this format can be booked to deliver national, regional or postcode specific campaigns to audiences in a relatively clutter free media environment. This can be used to raise brand awareness, to drive traffic to specific stores/sites by using offices in a defined proximity or enabling web based services to drive traffic by putting the website front of mind whilst people have immediate internet access.
Sainsburys, BBC, Bloomberg, Waitrose, Tesco, Marks & Spencer, Post Office, Sony, Thomas Cook, COI, Seven Seas.
Placing a message directly in front of consumers whilst in a relatively clutter free media environment. Can be used as a direct call to action while people have immediate internet access. Can also be used to drive footfall to stores/services in close proximity by utilising our mapping system and large national database of offices.