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Open Source Media - is this the end of mass communication?

Provided by UM
A quantitative study into "Web 2.0" online revolution and the possibilities enabled by high speed internet in Western Europe

What was the Challenge / Background of the Campaign?

What is the reality in Europe? Have new web technologies and applications really changed the way we relate to media? There is very little understanding within Europe as to the reality of the Web 2.0 revolution. Many of these developments seem ill-fitting culturally with the European consumer - firstly the current user base, site orientation and language of most services is undeniably US centric and secondly ideas such as Blogging, Photo Sharing and Social Netware are built on self promotion and total lack of privacy that would not appear to fit comfortably within Europe. Find out more...

What was the Campaign Objective?

To understand: Are Europe's online consumers taking part in these new web technologies and applications?

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BudgetReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Used
Contact for details16-44 age group who are frequent users of the internet
16 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
Campaign LocationCampaign DurationMarketing ObjectiveCampaign Type
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