Reaching 18-34 females in a dynamic online environment with Sky Showbiz.
Sky Showbiz is one of the largest online entertainment sites in the UK attracting 2 million unique users per month. 79% of this audience is female of which 65% are18-34 yrs old. The site covers all the latest celebrity news and gossip, fashion news and the latest showbiz snaps (movie premiers, fashion shows, parties etc). Sky Showbiz can offer an advertiser sponsorship of the most popular element of the site, the Photo Galleries for a fixed period (one month).The opportunity is to reach significant no's of 18-34 year female demographic in a very visually glossy environment.
To sell product, communicating with almost 2 million 18-34 females in an interactive responsive environment.
Over 50% of UK households now have an internet connection while many people have access in their place of employment. In terms of advertising budgets spent, Online is currently larger than the Cinema, Outdoor and Radio markets and continuing to grow. The reason for this is that the internet is a valuable and easy to access source of constantly updated material.
The online currency is the page impression, which is one viewing of a fully downloaded page by a user. Ad campaigns are reported in page impressions and responses / clicks generated.
More and more advertisers are using the online medium, some for purely branding purposes others for direct response purposes or a combination of both. In terms of Sky Showbiz advertisers Archers, Gillette, Spec Savers, T-Mobile, Vodafone, Virgin Atlantic, AA, Orange and O2 have all ran campaigns recently.
Journalists originate unique up to the minute content and images. Weekly columns include “LA Titbits, Soap Box and Music and movie reviews; however the Photo Galleries remain the most popular element of the site generating between 25 million and 35 million page impressions / mth.Fixed permanent sponsorship across this section offers the greatest reach and coverage across the core audience of 18-34 yr old women. The medium is accountable with placements measured electronically to the impression.Different copies can be rotated and new copy can be added or taken away.