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RESEARCH: Universal McCann's UK Magazine Review Jan-June 09

Provided by UM
This overview of the UK Magazine market looks at how the recession has affected the sales and consumption across Magazines.

What was the Challenge / Background of the Campaign?

Universal McCann is relentlessly researching media patterns to better understand how media is used, consumed and produced. UM's UK Magazine ABC Review, January-June 2009, reports changes in Magazine sales and consumption. The review states a decline in weeklies across the market and identifies that publishers such a Bauer and Northern Shell are using the breadth of their portfolios to drive circulation in the form of multipack offers. The review also identifies grim results in the women's monthly market and doom and gloom in a turbulent men's market. Find out more...

What was the Campaign Objective?

To review the UK Magazine Market during the time of a recession.

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BudgetReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Used
Contact for detailsConsumers of magazines and media buyers
All adultsBoth
Campaign LocationCampaign DurationMarketing ObjectiveCampaign Type
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