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Showcase your brand at some of the largest ABC1 shows

Provided by First Field Marketing
Reach over 1 million ABC1 consumers, sample, sell & and drive traffic to stores, for £17k an all inclusive package.

Tell us about the Opportunity / What is it?

The Brand Tour gives you the opportunity to showcase your brand to over 1.6million consumers at some of the largest ABC1 shows between May-Sep 2013. All over the nation are hosted a huge diary of very well attended outdoor consumer events, these events are largely attended by ABC1 family's. Having a stand at a show is a superb way of selling, building relationships, enhancing reputation and image. It intensifies brand awareness amongst key audiences, provides high profile exposure leading up to, during and after a show.

What is the Marketing Objective?

We will provide you with a cost effective professionally executed solution to generate brand awareness, brand loyalty and grow long term market share.

How does it work?

OUR APPROACH: - We target your customers while at their leisure. - We will reach between 3000-8000 consumers per day. - Sampling - Demonstrating - Selling - We will provide insight. - Social media activity - Incentivize purchase - Distribute marketing collateral - Product demonstrations - Insightful qualitative research - Drive traffic to your online asset - PR activity - Local press. The shows on offer as part of the tour include Bath & West Show, South of England show, Cheshire Show, Kent County Show and The Royal Welsh.

Features / Benefits

You will receive exclusivity within your own product category with dedicated staff assigned, branded and trained to represent your brand with your logo's, graphics and corporate colors. If you are interested in reaching the consumer face to face, educating them about your brand, driving sales to the point of purchase, driving traffic to your site this tour will do all that and more. We will reach your target market & communicate your message effectively & professionally.

printer friendly version
Guide PriceReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Types
£0 to £50kWe will reach over 75,000 ABC1 consumers
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
LocationTimingsMarketing ObjectiveOpportunity Type
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