Perth Races is a destination for Scottish horseracing enthusiasts throughout the summer, starting with the famous Perth Festival in April.
Brands can receive name recognition, product placement and sampling experiences, print, mobile & online activity plans & premium customer interaction through unique sponsorship solutions assembled at Perth.
Our marketing objectives will be to provide your brand with a stand out opportunity to communicate to racing spectators at Perth throughout the year, and to help fund the diverse appeal of the races to its growing audience.
Any sponsorship proposition may include assets from among the following:
- naming rights to one or more races during a day or season at large
- experiential solutions to reach the 50,000 visitors each season
- supply chain partnerships to deliver your product into the hands of the spectators
- online exposure through Perth's web site, and its active social media
- SEO campaigns using the above and by establishing newsworthy and exciting racing events
- provision of premium entertainment solutions
RBS, Aberdeen Asset Management, Crabbies Ginger Beer
An imaginative and interactive way to harness sports fans' enthusiasm for their sport to your brand. An excellent and good value device for product trial, customer networking and reward. Total race day attendances in 2013 exceeded 50,000.