The ultimate guide to events, days out and places to visit in Suffolk and area. A4 glossy with 10k copies.
The Spring Leisure Guide is an A4 seasonal publication circulated across Suffolk and East Anglia Editorially led with reader interest features and information about activities and events in the county and surrounding area. Advertisers have the opportunity to be a part of the content, promote your offering and engage with the readership through offers, competitions and added-value opportunities. 10,000 copies distributed through traditional and non traditional channels, including brand to hand merchandisers distributing at key outlets during the season.
Encourage footfall, raise brand profile, test new creatives, encourage trial, drive traffic to website, showcase brand offering and interact with consumers. Data collection marketing opportunities.
Spring Leisure Guide is available to consumers at relevant outlets and online in the e-edition. It contains events listings so is a handy reference. It is promoted throughout the Archant Suffolk title portfolio comprising East Anglian Daily Times, Evening Star, EADT West Suffok Mercury, Suffolk and Ipswich Advertiser series and associated websites.
Attractions, transport, restaurants, pubs, hotels, caravan parks, activities for children, DIY and gardening outlets, exhibitions, leisure venues, historical sites and buildings, museums, rare breed farms, theme parks, cinemas and other local and national clients with a local site.
This opportunity offers clients a range of coverage from individual features such as advertisements, sponsorships as well as the opportunity to become involved in the content provision. Competitions, promotion of Spring Leisure Guide throughout the Archant Suffolk portfolio as well as online gives this leisure supplement a welcomed status in consumers' minds.