Our shows attract thousands of visitors each year through a broad range of culinary and drinks features and exhibitors.
MasterChef Live arrives at the BBC Good Food Shows this autumn and brings high profile partnership opportunities! The Show offers unique opportunities for clients to interact face to face with their customers in a vibrant and exciting live media environment.
Live media is the only 3D, sensory and immediate way of communicating a product, brand or corporate message. A growing number of brands are turning to live media for fast and effective results.
Live Media can fulfil any number of sales and marketing objectives: from direct sales, brand and database building, through to entertaining, market research or product demonstration - it achieves all of these sales and marketing objectives, and more!
The Food Shows are exclusive and trusted brands that have been running for almost 20 years. This year the London Good Food Show will be launching MasterChef Live! The TV show will be brought to life, bringing in a new audience to the show, while still attracting the dedicated Food Show fans. By aligning brands with these events the customer associates it with quality and confidence. Having chosen to come to our shows, our visitors are in a positive state of mind and will be highly receptive to brand communication.
Sponsorship has a proven track record at the BBC Good Food Shows as a means of raising brand awareness, generating customer preference and increasing brand loyalty; our market research in 2008 told us that there was over 85% recall for the top level sponsors! MasterChef Live Sponsors include Sainsbury's, Plenty, NS&I, Miele, Bose and Npower.
MasterChef regularly pulls in over 5 million viewers, as it is one of the UK's favourite food TV programmes. MasterChef Live is a huge opportunity for a partner or sponsor to reach and inspire a large, affluent, food loving audience. It presents a chance to build association with one of the most high profile television food brands and to entertain customers in a live interactive media environment.