Want to reach home movers? Advertise on .gov.uk websites!

Provided by Council Advertising Network
The Council Advertising Network can use .gov.uk local council websites to display your ads to people who've just moved home.

Tell us about the Opportunity / What is it?

Advertising across a network of highly credible .gov.uk local council websites. Appearing on pages that are accessed by people who have just moved or are in the process of moving to a new address. Such pages include: council tax application, parking permit application and home mover checklists.

What is the Marketing Objective?

Advertising on .gov.uk websites guarantees brand safety and all ad formats appear above the fold and some remain in view as the user scrolls the page. We help you to be seen by people at the right time.

How does it work?

Council tax content is accessed by household decision makers and 63% of transactions are people creating a new account or making changes to their address. Local council websites also offer advice on what to do when you move home. Advertising across these segments allows you to qualify audiences at the right time with product such as utilities, communications, insurance, furniture, windows and white goods.

Who's used it in the past?

British Gas, e-on, EDF, Ovo, Direct Line

Features / Benefits

The Council Advertising Network offers the greatest reach across .gov.uk UK local council website pages and can segment audiences as they qualify themselves as suitable buyers for your product. Our custom ibar format can offer links to multiple landing pages and include lead gen functions.

printer friendly version
Guide PriceReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Types
£0 to £50k2 million unique users with frequent audience refresh.
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
LocationTimingsMarketing ObjectiveOpportunity Type
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