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The IPA provides access to the Touchpoints survey and planning hub. The IPA TouchPoints survey is the biggest industry research initiative for years and sheds new light on how consumers are spending their time in todays multi-media world.

The IPA TouchPoints survey is the biggest industry research initiative for years and sheds new light on how consumers are spending their time in todays multi-media world.

It offers a week-in-the-life view of both consumer and media behaviour and is now in its second version.

The TouchPoints survey is a consumer centric, multi-media hub survey, which will deliver new communication insights in its own right.

TouchPoint's remit is to provide a single-source integrated planning tool, to deliver new and fresh insights in its own right, to act as a gateway across data sources and to be complementary to current industry research.

The database will act as a hub for the integration of the industry media research currencies which will produce a tool which can evaluate mixed media schedules, both for planning and post campaign purpose. The hub survey is produced after respondents complete an extensive self-completion questionnaire and also comple a 7-day PDA based media activity diary which is completed on a half hourly basis. The PDA diary collects data on respondents location,who they are with, main activity they are undertaking, what media they are using and their current mood.

The TouchPoints database is now available to anyone who wishes to subscribe. Up until now it has been developed as a collaborative initiative amongst a limited number of subscribers across the media agencies represented on the IPA Media Futures Group and like-minded Media Owners, these include; AOL, BBC, ITV, JCDecaux, Tesco, SMG, Wanadoo, Initiative, MediaCom, Mindshare, Starcom, Walker Media and ZenithOptimedia.

This new planning source for the industry will provide new insights into consumer behaviour and the interplay across peoples' lifestyles; media exposure and time. It allows for impartial consideration of all media channels at the start of the planning process, and insights into how communication channels are used, singly, together and on a time basis. It also acts as a hub to marry disparate media and other sources together, to produce a common planning approach and enable mixed media scheduling from the same source.

Check out IPA Touch Points for further details

" provides an incredibly useful service for media planners and buyers. Media owners not on there are missing out on a ready and willing audience"
Eva Powell - Universal McCann