As headline partner of The Wanted 2011 Tour, the partner will tap into one of the biggest fan bases of any boy band in history on a multitude of platforms.
Promotion on all 9 Capital stations around the UK and on line with Branding on and Newsletters to The Wanted database. Branding at 16 UK wide venues including Ireland,
on screen activation in show as well as "moment" engaging the audience. Tap into the the massive 1.9 million followers on Facebook. Huge PR Opportunity of integration into Wanted Wednesday weekly video.
This rare opportunity will engage millions of 13-24 females in a credible way with a deeper engagement than just branding.
On air online and at event will ignite the social networking of the now generation to get excited around the tour dates, of the band. We will work with the partner to achieve their objectives based on a brief.
This is a media first on this level
Please see attached for a better understanding of the opportunity and the unique benefits on offer.