Partner with Kissfresh - a digital radio station from KISS FM on PC, tablet and smartphone targeting 18-34 year olds.
The role of KISS for many of the audience is a curator of cool, a rater and recommender of what to listen to and the stuff to share with mates. Kiss felt there was an opportunity to offer more of this, so launched a new 24/7 channel - Kissfresh. Kiss Fresh is for an audience that wants to hear and share the latest music and discover new genres, DJs and artists. This music's exciting, challenging and constantly evolving. This scene creates the trends, styles, language and cultures, and is the cutting edge of mainstream.
Kissfresh sponsorship gives partner brands the chance to align with new, fresh, emerging music, and engage with a highly sought after audience across online radio, social media, mobile and events.
KISS will work together with you to craft a brand association across all Kissfresh touchpoints to build awareness and engagement with the audience.
Kissfresh is a brand new proposition from Kiss, so there is the chance for a partner brand to create an early association and build a long term relationship with the audience.
A full Kissfresh channel partnership for 3 months reaches 6.9m radio listeners, delivers 1.6m online impressions and 1m mobile impressions!