Matter is 10 brands in a box. It's delivered on a Saturday. You subscribe to get it, but it's free.
Matter is a entirely new, innovative mail-based media channel.
We go to 10 brands and we help them make interesting and exclusive things that we put in a nice box and deliver on a Saturday morning.
Each box is carefully created so that people will sit down and have a cup of coffee with it.
The idea is to create real things that people keep, pass around and talk about.
You have to subscribe to get it. But it's free
Brand engagement.
Start word-of-mouth conversations.
Increase brand appeal.
Stimulate behaviours.
Change attitudes.
Gain trial.
Consumers sign up to receive editions of Matter on the Matter web site. Matter creates different editions for different audiences and collaborates with ten brands to each make a bespoke and interesting (physical) item to put in the Matter box and a piece of interactive content to go on the Matter website.
Matter is delivered on a Saturday morning. Matter subscribers pass the items on to their friends, take them to work, write about them online, put them on eBay, start conversations, advocate about the brand.
The initial Matter trial went to 900 young, affluent males in Feb 08. Brands included Sony Ericsson, Sony Bravia, Virgin Atlantic, Nintendo Wii, Nissan, EVO Magazine, Jordans cereal, Penguin books.
The trial generated write-ups on over 100 blogs and countless personal accounts of how they keep, pass on and talk about the brands inside. Over 30,000 people have registered to receive a Matter box. See review: <>
Google "Matter Box" and see for yourself...
Matter offers unrivalled levels of engagement (the trial revealed the items were used or played with by 69% of the recipients).
Matter subscribers tell their friends about what they get in the Matter box (92% of Matter receipients said they were likely to tell their friends)
It's as close as you can get to sitting in someone's kitchen and having a chat with them about your brand.